Thursday, 30 April 2020

Distance Learning

What I've done while lock down.

My most fun day is when me my cousin and my uncle went out to take our dog to Pt England for a walk and we were running around playing chasing the dog and the dog chasing us. I've learned about how we can show respect and make sure we get our work done and finish to post on our blogs so people can read them and comment. I really wanna no more about Kayaks and everything they do. I want to improve my reading and maths so i can grow up to be smart and to have a great job to buy me a house and car with everything i need.

Respect to the people who fought in the war for us New Zealanders

what does white & black mean to me.

This writing is about what these colour mean to me.

what I've learnt about during lock down

I've been writing about what I've learnt pass these weeks and how i can be helpful.


Friday, 24 April 2020


Hope use rest in peace and thank you for serving our country if it wasn't for you we would be slaves. with no home so thank you to all the people who fought in WW1 and WW2.